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Parenting Tips

Kids are Learning to Read with Tonies

Did you know kids are learning to read with Tonies? It's true! Tonies audio players are helping improve children's literacy skills through comprehension, language skills, and enhancing attention spans.

Simple chore chart that works! (+ free printable)

A chore system that really works! Sometimes getting kids to help with chores may feel like an uphill battle. This chore chart will help the house stay tidy and teach life skills!

Calm Down Corner

Emotions can run high, especially for our little ones who are still learning how to navigate their feelings. Create a calm down corner where your children can learn to self-soothe.

sensory play

Light Table for Kids Q&A

Light Table for Kids Q&A plus resources

Sensory Table Must-Haves

I have gotten a few requests on sharing some of the sensory table must-haves supplies that we use often. I included some of our favorites as well as sensory filler ideas and recipes! Enjoy!

Sensory + Behavior

Learning about sensory and how it affects behavior not only allows us to gain a better understanding of our child and their behaviors, but ourselves as well. This information is powerful. This information allows me to be a better, more patient parent. This information helps me to understand my child

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Most Popular Posts

These are my top posts, full of resources and ideas for your family. You will love these posts!


Oxygen Mask

Think of a flight attendant on an airplane. When they are explaining the oxygen mask, what do they say? Place the oxygen mask on yourself BEFORE helping another individual. That makes total sense right? of course we should place the oxygen mask on ourselves first. What good are we if

She Strengtheneth Her Arms

I hear all the time, whether personally or throughout social media and news, “Oh you’re JUST a stay at home mom?” “What else do you do?” “It must be so nice to sit at home all day.” “I wish my life was that easy.” “You decided to work instead of

The Shepherd Doesn’t Sleep

“To all mothers everywhere, past, present, or future, I say ‘thank you.’ Thank you for giving birth, for shaping souls. For forming character and for demonstrating the pure love of Christ… to all mothers in very circumstance, including those who struggle-and all will, I say, ‘you are doing better than


18 Free Things For Kids To Do In Vegas

There are so many free things for kids to do in Las Vegas! Whether you're a local or just visiting, you'll love this list!

Bath Time Favorites

Sharing some of our bath time favorites!

Letters and Sounds Through Play

Teaching letters and sounds is more simple than people might think. At first it might feel overwhelming, but as you keep the basic concepts of learning through play in mind, you and your little ones will thrive in learning letters, sounds and beginning to read through play!

Get my list of sensory fillers

sensory play... made easy

Create a fun and unique sensory play experience for your kids every time by switching out different fillers that engage and stimulate all the senses!


Toy Organizer Ideas For Small toys

Need some organization help for your toys and a system to help you get organized with links to our favorite containers? This is the post for you!

Things To Do in Las Vegas with Kids

Thinking about visiting Vegas? Well it may surprise you, but there are SO MANY things to do WITH KIDS here! We have lived in fabulous Las Vegas now for 4 years and we and we absolutely love it!

Girl’s Room Vision Board

I saw Beddy's new Alexandria bedding and now I can't wait to redo my daughter's entire room!

gift ideas

Unique Easter Gifts Your Kids Will Love

Are you tired of getting the same Easter gifts for your kids each year? I've got your back, girl! I put together this list of unique Easter gifts that I know your kids will love!

The Best Purposeful Easter Gifts For Babies

Popular Light Table Toys Your Kids Will Love

products for your home

resources you'll love... and will last

Provide your kids a meaningful and intentional play experience with purposeful toys that are built to last and benefit kids at various developmental stages.


Peace in the Storm

This anxiety thing is new. I don’t want to go into details because it’s still very painful and difficult for me to process. And even though the Anxiety level is new, I’ve always been “high stressed”, so much so that my parents used to always repeat a poem about “worry”

You Are Not Of This World

“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, and fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be?

Casting Stones

My mind keeps pondering those waiting to cast stones. I don’t think it’s a coincidence that the person about to be stoned is a woman. My mind immediately thinks of mothers. Whether through social media, whispers, or in our minds we are waiting to cast stones at other women.

Learning Through Play

One of the questions I get the most is how to teach children through play. I think we often tend to over complicate things as adults. It's actually fairly simple. Children are already naturally curious and love to learn.


Join my email list and get my free sensory filler list sent straight to your inbox, plus ideas, activities, and tips to help you create a calming and engaging environment in your home!