30 Free Valentine Activities

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30 Free Valentine activities because if your kids are anything like mine they love the holidays and anytime I have a special little activity that revolves around the holidays they get so excited, but if you’re a busy mom like me sometimes you just need something quick to whip up for the kids so you can actually make dinner which is why I gathered these freebies just for you!

Free Valentine Activities for Preschool Kids

Are these free holiday page activity pages posts becoming a thing? I think it is, and I don’t think anyone is complaining about it. For the Valentine activity pages I decided to break them up into your preschoolers (and kindergartners) and your other elementary aged children that are a little bit older. Print these out just before making dinner, set out some markers, crayons, scissors, colored pencils, etc. and let them go to town. It’ll at least give you a few minutes ha ha.

Free Valentine Activities for Elementary Kids

These activities are for your children that are a little bit older. The first activity might be my favorite and one you could even do as a family activity. I don’t know how this tradition started, but on pizza nights we like to take turns making up stories. Pull out some dice and take turns getting creative with a Valentine’s themed story. Your child can tell a story out loud or they can write one down. This activity is especially great because they can do it over and over again with different rolls.

Valentine’s Coupons

My girls absolutely love a good coupon with fun activities. You could put these little love coupons somewhere special for them to find, or simply throw them all in a jar to draw out a couple times of the week in February for some fun for the entire family!

Valentine’s Bingo Cards

We always love a good game of bingo. You could use little Valentines treats as your markers, mini heart erasers, or cereal pieces. We love to laminate a lot of our activities for extended use. You can find our laminator we use with sheets here.

Want more activity ideas? Check out our Valentine’s sensory bins and chocolate play dough recipe here! I hope you feel loved this Valentine’s season! Make sure to tag me on instagram with your fun activities @purposefultoys I would absolutely love to see them!


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