I’ve been pondering the accounts in the scriptures of those who sought out Jesus. The people who were praying for him, searching through crowds for him, and brought children to him. People like the man whose daughter was laying sick in bed, Mary and Martha who besought him after their brother passed away, the father who brought his son with a dumb spirit, the two blind men, they all went in faith to find Jesus.
The one that has been in my mind a lot recently is the woman diseased with an issue of blood of 12 years in Matthew 9. “For she said within herself, If I may but touch his garment, I shall be whole”. I can only imagine the various treatments she tried in order to be made whole, but it wasn’t until she sought Jesus that she was made free from her disease.
I have struggled with eczema my whole life, but it started getting unmanageable soon after I got married over 6 years ago. Ever since we almost lost my baby, Ruby, a little over a year ago, I have struggled with a little PTSD and anxiety. Stress has always resulted in eczema flare ups for me, and recently I have experienced my first anxiety attack. My first anxiety attack, accompanied with a few others following, gave me a new perspective to the phrase, “Weeping and wailing and gnashing of teeth”, but EVERY SINGLE TIME I have called out to Jesus, I have been relieved from my internal pain.
My eczema is still there. In fact with my internal struggle, it’s worse than ever before. I have tried numerous treatments, as I suppose the woman with the issue of blood did, yet my pain remains. However, as I study the scriptures I come to know that it is only through FAITH that we are truly healed. With all of the miracles Jesus preformed he said, “Your faith hath made thee whole.” In my heart I respond like the father of the dumb spirit where he says, “Lord I believe, help thou mine unbelief (Mark 9).” Jesus is the ultimate healer. He heals us from sorrow, he heals us from pain, he heals us from unbearable grief, he heals us from our weaknesses, he heals.
When Peter walked on water with the Savior and then began to sink, he cried out to the Lord saying, “Lord, save me (Matthew 14),” but listen to what came next, “And immediately Jesus stretched forth his hand, and caught him.” Likewise, in the many many miracles recorded in the Bible it says the word “IMMEDIATELY”, immediately they were made whole. When I am on my face in a tight ball, crying in the mental and physical pain that surrounds me, I call out to the Lord, and immediately I feel relief.
On the margin of my Come Follow Me manual in this photo I wrote, “He bled from every pore.” I don’t know what it’s like to bleed from every pore… but I know what it feels like to bleed from a lot of them. Thank you Jesus for bleeding from every pore so that I don’t have to. Thank you Jesus for immediately stretching forth thy hand. Thank you Jesus for catching me when I cry out for help. I’m learning to yoke myself with thee. I’m learning to let go of my limited understanding. I’m learning to seek the hem of thy garment. I’m learning to trust. I’m learning to say, “Help thou mine unbelief”. Because those who seek him are healed.