Shine-A-Light: The Human Body Here is the book we shared in our story time video. As you can see from our video, our book is well loved by my girls, and it makes learning about the human body so much fun!
Color Viewers We love these color viewers and use them in multiple activities. For this particular activity we found a black silhouette image of dinosaurs online and then cut them out to cast colored shadows of our dinosaurs on the wall! We also used these fun viewers with our light table (use discount code: RYLEE10) and discovered what new colors are made when placing two colored viewers on top of each other.

Other Shine-a-Light Books This bundle is perfect for the classroom or if you just love all of the shine-a-light books like we do. You can also find more individual shine-a-light books along with our little flashlights linked on my LTK shop here.