She Strengtheneth Her Arms

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Photo by: @tylynnbphotography for @oneclassybaby (The most adorable bows btw)

I can remember the shock on my sister’s face so vividly. One day, of course under an intense amount of peer pressure, my other siblings wanted my sister, who is two years younger than I am, and me to arm wrestle. We finally agreed, and although my sister had been working out more frequently than I had, (who are we kidding, my working out life was non-existent) I smoked her. She was shocked and demanded a rematch. I beat her again. Her face looked perplexed. For a minute I was confused as well. And then I remembered something, of course I beat her, I had a baby that was probably around 8 months at the time, and every single day for those 8 months I carried her. I carried her in my arms, on my hip and in that heavy carseat, every single day.

It made me think about a verse within a section of scriptures that I love from the bible.

“She girdeth her loins with strength, and strengtheneth her arms.” -Proverbs 31: 17

What does that mean? Every time I look up new scriptures or search online what it means to “gird your loins,” I hear something along the lines of “strengthen yourself” or “to prepare for service or battle”. I can’t help but think about this simple verse as describing a mother who is a warrior, a warrior who “girdeth her loins” or puts on her armor and then gets to work.

What might that look like? It might look like a mom putting her hair in the “mom bun,” or ponytail, and then changing a poopy diaper. It might look like a mom physically girding her loins by placing clothing upon her that allows her to easily feed her baby. It might look like a mom carrying a heavy diaper bag, with all of the basic necessities, as well as a child in her arms. It might look like a mother who is carrying a bajillion grocery bags into the house. It might look like a mom going to work to earn money in order to feed her children.

It might look like a lot of different things, but I assure you, what I see is a mother who is a warrior. I see the armor placed upon you. I see the strength of your arms, back, and your legs. I see a warrior who is doing every thing possible to protect, defend and provide for a child.

In Alma 56: 47-48 of the Book of Mormon, it states:

Now they never had fought, yet they did not fear death; and they did think more upon the liberty of their fathers than they did upon their lives; yea, they had been taught by their mothers, that if they did not doubt, God would deliver them. And they rehearsed unto me the words of their mothers, saying: We do not doubt our mothers knew it.”

Did you see that? It says the word “mothers” three times! Doesn’t it just make you think, “Wow these scriptures were written for OUR day. Surely he must have known how mothers would be attacked today.” I mean think of it. How often do we see people constantly degrading the sacred role of motherhood?

I hear all the time, whether personally or throughout social media and news, “Oh you’re JUST a stay at home mom?” “What else do you do?” “It must be so nice to sit at home all day.” “I wish my life was that easy.” “You decided to work instead of being a stay at home mom?” Everyone’s situation is different, but it seems that no matter what YOU are doing as a mom, someone will have something negative to say about it. I will ALWAYS defend the sacred role of motherhood in whatever shape or form. I’m not “just” a stay at home mom. I not only have to keep human beings alive each day (which somedays is a miracle in itself), but I also have to nurture their social, emotional, cognitive, and physical development. I have to make sure that these young people turn into kind, humble, God-fearing adults. I want them to be the kids who will step up and be a friend to the kid being picked on; who will make the world a better place just because they are in it; who will create change for good in the world. Guys, this is THE MOST SACRED WORK and it’s under attack. Defend it. Live up to it. Embrace it. Strengthen your arms.

“All that I am, or hope to be, I owe to my angel mother” (Abraham Lincoln). Like the stripling warriors, your children will rise up and call you blessed. They will be able to say, “[We] have been taught by [our] mothers, that if [we] do not doubt, God would deliver [us].” Create those kind of souls. Bare up your arms. Get ready. You are preparing souls to be leaders among men.


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